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Wedding Wish #8- Keep reception and ceremony locations the same, if possible

Wedding Wish #8- Keep your Ceremony and Reception venue the same, or at least within the same city

By keeping your ceremony and reception location the same, there are several benefits. One, you don’t loose your guests (unless you want to, and in that case definitely move your reception out!). And two, you aren’t rushed to get to your guests because they have been waiting. That is one of the things that’s most disappointing as a wedding photographer, is not allowing enough time to photograph creatively the bride and groom together on their wedding day.

Sometimes, I know it’s not possible to have your reception at the same location as your ceremony but if you have to move at least move within the same city, no more that 10-15 minute drive, and provide a detailed map. Here is a fun Wedding Day mapping website I found called WeddingMapper.


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