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Wedding Wish #6

Wedding Wish #6- Make your grand exit Grande!

Come up with something fun for your guests to help send you off as husband and wife. It seems everyone does rose petals, bubbles, or sparklers… and they are all beautifully done BUT if you want something different think of the possibilities… Streamers! Balloons! Funfetti! Be creative and have fun with it.

Fun exit cars make for a unique exit as well… antique cars, old police car (if you are a police man) or fire truck (fireman), helicopter ;), your neighbor’s old corvette, a boat, etc. Think of something either of you like to do or have as a career and try to incorporate that into your exit. Be unique, and have fun with it!

* * Make sure to let your photographer know about these special events or things you are planning, so you can get plenty of photos taken with them before the night concludes!

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