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I’m an Aunt! Meet Madison :)

Ok, so admittedly I have been a little distracted these days… Christmas, New Years, and then a new addition to Vaughan clan… MADISON! She’s is my older brother and his wife’s daughter and the 1st Kiddo on my side of the family. She came in to the world on January 4th (1-4) which is a great day because MY birthday is January 14th (1-14)… I’m a weird numbers person and 1 & 4 are the best numbers… just sayin… 😉

Anyways… here are some photos of Madison’s 1st days in the beautiful world! What a little blessing she is. Please pray for them and their health as they go through these first new days as a family.

And of course, I have to include a funny story…. as we were taking photos an elderly lady hospital volunteer came in to talk to Jason and Katie about vaccines for the baby, she proceeds to ask questions and make note on her clipboard, then after several minutes of talking and writing she looks at me and says “oh you must be the new proud Grandma!”… I was completely in shock! I’m only 27 (28 in a couple days)… do I look like I could be a Grandma?? and if so whose Mom would I be Jason’s or Katie’s??? AWFUL!!!! Everyone laughed and said “No, she’s the sister”… and the lady said “well, you never know these days, I see them younger and younger”. Guess I need to color my hair and start looking in to Botox! Kidding! Luckily, I laughed and continue to laugh pretty hard about it. But I don’t think I’ll ever hear the end of it… When I left the hospital Jason kindly responded “Madison… say goodbye to Grandma”…. Ha ha… sooooooooooo funny!

Anyways… Photo below of Madison and “Grandma” 😉

Ohhh, I could just look at that face all day BUT ok, ok… Time to actually get some work done

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Abby - January 7, 2011 - 1:12 PM

She is just precious! Congrats on becoming an Auntie! 🙂

Daddy Vaughan - January 7, 2011 - 4:58 PM

Great pictures! What a cutie Madison is……By the way,does that make me a “GREAT GRANDPA”????

Jonie Ragland - January 8, 2011 - 12:34 PM

Thanks for sharing these pictures and your funny story. I love it. I work with Katie at Hawk and love her dearly.

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